You’re invited to Friday Nights Laughs on June 16, 2023! Doors open at 8 PM, show starts at 9 PM. Join us at The Alkaline Oasis N
You’re invited to Friday Nights Laughs on June 16, 2023! Doors open at 8 PM, show starts at 9 PM. Join us at The Alkaline Oasis N
You’re invited to Friday Nights Laughs on June 16, 2023! Doors open at 8 PM, show starts at 9 PM. Join us at The Alkaline Oasis NYC (958 Halsey St, Brooklyn NY) for a night of comedy with A. G White as your host, featuring Stephanie Kay and Rashaun Reese! These hilarious comedians have been seen on Netflix, Bet, HBO, Showtime, and MTV. Come have fun with us! #FridayNightsLaughs #ComedyNight #BrooklynNYC #agwhite #thealkalineoasisnyc